Sharp Summer Snips!
With today being the official first day of summer (despite the rainy start to the day) we thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about summer hair styles and what's hot this year.
Now there's so many resources you can use to research what's in fashion this summer, and most websites/publications will generally tell you the same story, however we decided to take it from the best and go with an article posted on the British GQ website which seems to hit the nail right on the head. They narrow it down to three main styles which seem to be rapidly growing in popularity in current men's fashion.

The first look is often referred to as the 'choppy short'. This style works with a nice tight look on the back and sides and a much more messy textured effect on top to produce a smart yet low-maintenance look. This style looks great as something styled up with product for a day at the office or an evening on the town and can look equally as great when left to dry naturally after a day by the pool or at the beach. A great bonus is that this style will suit almost any head shape and work with most variations of facial hair. When getting this cut at the barbers you can get the back and sides textured to give you an all-over messy look, however we think that a nice sharp fade on the sides with the textured top looks much more on point. In terms of styling this we'd recommend a good matte clay or paste to give some firm hold whist maintaining a natural look.
The second look is known as 'the suede head' but is basically a nice short cut all over keeping it simple, neat and tidy. This is great for the summer as not only will it keep your head cool but it's an extremely low maintenance style making your morning routine super easy. Getting this style is quite simple as it mainly uses clipper grades to achieve the basic look with a little bit of clipper/scissor over comb to texture and finish. Again, this style works with most head shapes however if you have a particularly round head it will most likely emphasise this. It also works really nicely with some well-kept stubble. Obviously with a style like this there's minimal styling required however a nice light paste does well to tame down any fluffy bits after drying and gives it a bit of a sleeker look. The only drawback with this style is that it'll need fairly regular trims to maintain, every 3 weeks or so works best.

The 'wet look crop' has been rocked for a little while now and is still proving to be a popular choice in men's fashion. This is really great look that can be done to achieve a very natural effortless look or with the use of comb can be transformed into a super smart and slick style working great with or without a parting. Keeping good length on the top to work and manage whilst keeping the sides tight with a low fade works best to get this look. Oval or square face shapes compliment this style best however can be worked to look great on most face shapes, and also does well with naturally straight or slightly wavy hair. Maintaining this style is much easier as a 6 to 8 week gap between cuts is sufficient but won't do any harm to go longer as it looks great when grown out slightly. There's a variety of ways you can style this look but the one we recommend starts with blow drying back to get the general look sorted then running a soft paste through the hair to give it texture and a slightly 'wet look' vibe. This can then by enhanced using a comb to give more structure and work a parting into it for a slick look. For ultimate hold finish with hair spray to keep it in place.
Products that can be used to achieve these styles are all available from our online store. For the original article from GQ visit here.