Caring for your beard

I need to start by saying that I can't take any credit for this post. I stumbled across a fantastic article on the Modern Barber Magazine website the other day that I felt needed sharing on here for you all to read. The original article can be found here:
This is a brief summary for any gent looking to grow and develop a beard to enhance their face and give themselves a heightened level of dapper-ness!
- At that 'eureka' moment when the decision hits you to start growing a beard it's important to let the hair do it's own thing, leaving the edges to grow out with the rest of the beard. Let that razor gather dust and let the hair do it's own thing.
- After a good 5 weeks of growth it's time to get down to your local barber, us! You'll have a good idea of how your beard grows and the desired look you want to go for so have a good discussion with your barber about your long term goals and let him do the magic. A tidy up of longer, scraggly hairs along with sharpening edges will set the desired look into motion for further development.
- After another 4 to 5 week wait revisit the barber as the shape may be starting to grow out and need redoing. Fairly regular trims and cuts help to promote healthy growth.
- It's time to go product shopping! At this stage, depending on how quickly your hair grows, you'll be wanting to look into beard oils to keep your facial hair soft and nourished. A good oil should only require 3 or 4 drops into the palm of your hands, rub together gently to heat up slightly and then massage into your beard starting with the thicker and longer hair first (usually around the chin area).
- Just like with any other hair on your body it requires regular cleaning. Shampooing and conditioning your beard hair is key to maintaining a healthy looking beard and should be integrated into your daily routine. Shampoo should be used daily where possible however conditioning, much like the hair on the top of your head, is fine with just once or twice each week.
- If you should be lucky enough to be blessed with a mighty beard, much like Zeus, then you should think about swapping your beard oil out for a balm instead. These essentially do the same thing however leave a less greasy finish and should save the collar of your dapper shirt from any wet marks from the oil.
All of the products you could need to grow and maintain your beard, along with a service for keeping the beard looking sharp, are available here at The Barber Shop Shrewsbury. Check out our Price Menu and Products pages to see what we have for you.
Remember, a beard is for life, not just for Christmas!